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SE3 Trivia Happy Hour

  • Wednesday, May 18, 2022
  • 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
  • Maggiano's Little Italy, 5333 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20015


Registration is closed

Attending the May Dinner Meeting?  Come early for good company and news you can use with SE3 (Structural Engineering Engagement and Equity) trivia.  In addition to the typical networking hour, participants can try their hand at three rounds of self-guided trivia, based on the findings from the 2020 SE3 survey.  Questions will focus on the topics of "Survey Demographics", "Recruitment and Retention", and "Work Flexibility", as well as a few non-SE3-related topics.  If you're eager to win, you'll find concise reading material on the above topics here.  $25 gift cards will be awarded to the highest-scoring participants--plus a free drink ticket to anyone who shows completion of all 13 multiple choice questions.

Registration is appreciated but not required.

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